Issue 38 May 2002
As many of you may have noticed in the Echo, following the installation of "downgraded" cycle parking, despite previous requests by Ray Clay to provide secure parking (Sheffield stands) we have written to the Chairman of Safeway. The text is set out below.
"I am writing to bring to your attention the deplorable provision made for bicycle parking at the Loughborough store.
You will see from the attached photograph that the existing provision (which has recently been down graded to wheel slots in concrete blocks) is totally inadequate. A letter from your Customer Services Department, to one of our members last summer (copy attached), in response to a request for improvements, indicated that there was no intention of altering the arrangements at that time. He was left with the impression that the facilities would be upgraded when next reviewed. In fact the opposite has occurred.

I find this hard to reconcile with the comprehensive description of your company's commitment to improving the environment contained in your annual report. In particular the page on transport which includes the statement "As a business which operates in so many communities, we work hard to minimise our impact on the environment. We set ourselves ambitious targets, and we deliver them."
By providing secure cycle parking you may well be able to improve upon the 13% of your customers who do not arrive at your stores by car and enable more of them to attain the healthy lifestyle (including exercise) that you make a great play upon in the opening page of your web site.
Both Sainsbury and Tesco, who have similar sized stores in Loughborough, provide (in comparison) excellent cycle parking with adequate Sheffield stands.
Bearing in mind the investment your company has made in car parking (the land cost alone must be very considerable) I believe that it is perfectly reasonable to expect a secure bicycle parking facility to be available at your stores.
I trust that your Company will see fit to arrange to rectify the situation in the short term".
A letter of acknowledgement has been received from the Chairman saying that the matter is being investigated.
SATURDAY 1ST JUNE 2002 - 12 Noon to 5pm
There is not long to go now before this event ! We could still do with some more volunteers to help out on the day; please ring John or Ariadne with any offers. Any more offers of old or futuristic cycles for display would be welcome too. It would help if you could write a brief 'blurb' for your machine including details of how a similar machine might be obtained, if applicable. If you're unable to help but able to drop by on the day it would still be lovely to see you.
Bike Week in Loughborough
Sun 23rd June -
Cyclists Special and Pedalling Picnic
Put our bikes on the 11.30am steam train to Rothley. Then an easy paced ride to the Charnwood Forest for a picnic lunch. Back to Loughborough on Sustrans National Cycle Route 6 via Stonehurst Farm, Mountsorrel for an afternoon tea stop.
Meet: Great Central Railway Station, Great Central Road, Loughborough at 11am
Distance: 15miles Duration 5 hours Leader: Ray Clay (CTC - Cyclists' Touring Club)
Tickets: £4 (a specially reduced rate) includes train ride and entrance to museum, and loco shed.
Bookings for train from Ray Clay Tel 01509 261068 E Mail
Sat 15th June Market stall.
Tues 18th June CTC Loughborough Section Ride to Swithland.
Wed 19th June Cyclists' Breakfast & Bike Post Coding.