Loughborough & District
Cycle Users' Campaign

Pedal Power Issue 33 April 2001



Cycling OK so long as you stay on the tarmac

The CTC is encouraging cyclists to play their part in keeping the rural economy and countryside tourism alive by continuing to use the minor roads network, not to stop riding or cancel planned Easter trips.

To quote Nick Brown, Minister for Agriculture "The public should stay away from farms and livestock. This does not mean that people should not visit market towns, go to events taking place in villages or admire the landscape."

The Guidelines are:

1. The risks of transmission of Foot and Mouth Disease by cyclists are no different to any other user of the countryside.

2. There is no reason to restrict the movement of cyclists on road.

3. Countryside users should not enter premises or areas formally restricted by MAFF or local authorities, including closed sections of the rights of way network. All offroad events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Avoid all areas where there are or may be livestock, including car parks, headquarters, venues and other areas that are offroad or on agricultural land. Do not enter such areas even on a casual basis i.e. for breaks or picnics.

4. We encourage cyclists to behave with sensitivity to local feelings, to avoid confrontational behaviour and avoid congregating in large groups. Respect the wishes of landowners who may also want to restrict access to their properties.

5. Please go to www.maff.gov.uk for specific FMD related advice and new regulations if travelling abroad with your bike.

Leisure Centre Cycle Parking

As many of you will have noted the number of cycle parking spaces at the Leisure Centre has contracted and the new covered cycle parking has been placed somewhat eccentrically. Unfortunately despite the best efforts of the Cycle Consultative Group the management of the Leisure Centre failed to consult properly and it is apparent from subsequent correspondence that the management share many of the prejudices against cyclists common in much of the population. The Group is continuing to look for ways of improving on the situation but the saga is inicative of the difficulties experienced in getting higher priority given to pedestrians and cyclists.

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